

There have been a lot of 2D-barcode upstarts as of late, most of them focusing on making their dot boxes attractive and marketing-friendly. QR-codes, the standard here in Japan, are looked upon as ugly or industrial-looking with low potential to be integrated into a company's look and feel.

Not so. Check out LogoQ and DesignQR. They crush most of the marketing claims touted by other companies, and they can be read with any standard QR-code reader. You know, the reader that comes standard in nearly all Japanese keitai and many Nokia devices. Go ahead, scan a sample.

Here are a few samples from LogoQ.

Here are a few from DesignQR.


Unknown said...

I am using Jaxo Systems' excellent Bar Capture Java applet to decode QR codes on the screen. DesignQR codes work quite well, but LogoQ codes don't seem to work well. However, your DIY color QRs seem to work quite well.

Unknown said...

I've found that the same thing can be done for DataMatrix codes. There's one made for Stephen Colbert. Do a Google image search for it.

Jacques-Edouard Sabatier said...

Jaxo systems has moved from www.jaxo.com to www.jaxo-systems.com , a brand new website with even more free downloads...